School Holiday Workshops
Real Connections Art Therapy and Healing Wings Art Therapy have teamed up to create a unique Holiday Program that offers a variety of meaningful workshops for primary school aged children. Workshops are specially designed by two Art Psychotherapist , Soraya ( Real Connections Art Therapy ) and Michelle ( Healing Wings art Therapy ) who is passionate about supporting young people with their mental health and well-being.
Mindful Art Therapy activities offers children the opportunity to express themselves in a creative and supportive environment. They will learn new skills,as they connect with their peers , gain confidence , strengthen social skills and explore imagination.
Small group sizes with the maximum of 8- 10 children and two qualified facilitators.
September School Holidays 8 workshops available in 2 locations across Melbourne .
Chirnside Park
Chirnside Park Community Hub
33 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park Vic.3116
Real Connections art therapy Studio
3B/19 Bruce Street, Mornington Vic. 3931

Grow Your Mind
Tuesday 6 July
10am-1230pm - Mornington Studio
This workshop is facilitated by two qualified Arts Psychotherapists and is designed to encourage children to practice mindfulness and to explore their own creativity in a fun & supportive space.
Children will learn new skills as they:
Gain social skills
Connect with peers
Build self-esteem and confidence
Explore their imagination
Problem Solve
Fun In A Bottle
Wednesday 7 July
10am-1230pm - Mornington Studio
This workshop is designed to help children identify with their own emotions. They will gain valuable mindful skills on how to self-regulate when feeling overwhelmed.
Children will learn new skills as they:
Gain social skills
Connect with peers
Build self-esteem and confidence
Explore their imagination
Problem Solve